Skin Tools

Skin tools and Skintools.

Skin Tools (rpak method)

Tool for DDS (rpak method). This is the best method for installing custom textures.

RePak - rpak Building Tool

Made by rexx, ASpoonPlaysGames, Rika, and IcePixelx. RePak is a non-GUI tool that is for creating rpaks. This is the best way to import new textures and materials.

DDS (rpak method) is the best method to install custom textures.

Advocate - Skintool to rpak mod Converter

Made solely by ASpoonPlaysGames, Advocate is a GUI tool that can convert Skintool installed skin into rpak Northstar mods. Why is this important? Custom rpak mods are more versatile, simpler to make, allow for multiple texture medians, and less resource demanding.

Skintool (skintool method)

Tools for DDS (skintool method). This is the worst method to get custom textures.

pageSkintools (skintool method)

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