General PC Tools


For compressing or decompressing files.

WinRAR - free (if you don't pay/donate), software

PeaZip - free, open source, untested, software

Screen Capture:

Greenshot - free, installable or portable app, local or web-hosted, image-editable.

ShareX - free, installable or portable app, open-source, local or web-hosted, image-editable, with more/other tools. (sharex sometimes has problems registering you printscreen key)

Text Editing:

Notepad++ - free, app, text editor (if notepads was upgrade to lvl 69420)

Atom - free, app, code editor


Autohotkey - free, software, simple coding language (based around macros?)

One of my old macros.

Numpad1::send {ctrl down}{s down}{ctrl up}{s up}
Numpad3::send {alt down}{r down}{alt up}{r up}
Numpad2::send {ctrl down}{z down}{ctrl up}{z up}
  • Numpad1: Saves (CTRL+S)

  • Numpad2: Undo (CTRL+Z)

  • Numpad3: Reloads images in Blender with NodeWrangler (ALT+R)

  • ]: Pause the script

  • \: Stop the script

Last updated